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Contact Us

On Campus Location:

Gilmour Hall, Room B111
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON  L8S 4L8
Administrative Assistant: Calypso McNight
Voice: 905-525-9140 ext. 21555
Fax: 905-524-3111
Office Hours: Office hours are variable and appointments may be required. Please reach out via phone or email prior to attending the office.

Off Campus Location:

(Administration Office)
86 Hester Street
Hamilton, ON  L9A 2N5
Administrative Assistant: Tricia Carter-Rolfe
Voice: 905-385-5554 ext. 4
Fax: 905-385-5553
Office Hours:Office hours are variable and appointments may be required.  Please reach out by phone or email prior to attending the office.

Executive Board & Support Staff

President: Emily Heikoop 905-385-5554 x1

Vice-President: Sarah-Kai Antanaitis 905-385-5554 x2

Financial Secretary: Ashley Shinde 905-385-5554 x3

Recording Secretary: Karen Sutton 905-525-9140 x20041

Sergeant-At-Arms: Stephen Olaizola

Guide:  Hilary Jenkins
Joe King
Jeremy Sandor


Unit 1 Chair  Meghan Forbes 905-525-9140 x27539

Unit 2 Chair (RMA) Kimberley Bliek 

Unit 3 Chair (PTS) Jeremy Mcfarlane  

Unit 4 Chair (Special Constables) vacant

Unit 5 Chair (Facilities Services) Joanne Rodziewicz
Health and Safety Coordinator: Cheryl Gemmell 905-525-9140 x26257
Retiree Chapter Representative: Nancy Clark
Young Workers Chair: Megan Stokes
BIWOC Chair: Osiris Lopez-Chevez
PRIDE Chair: Oliver Thorne
Workers with Disabilities Chair: vacant


Mental Health and Addictions Advocate (formerly E.F.A.P.)
Our Mental Health and Addictions Advocate can help with Employee and Family Assistance Issues such as alcohol and substance abuse, gambling or other addictions with referrals to community resources.  
They are not a counselor, but they can assist members in finding and accessing community resources that are available. 
If required and wanted, they can also liaise with the Union to ensure the members are able to access the Union Local resources and supports that are available. 
They operate completely confidentially.

Mental Health and Addictions Advocate: Sarah-Kai Antanaitis 905-536-8252  email:

Women’s Advocate
The Women’s Advocate is trained to help members who are experiencing harassment, domestic violence and abuse.  
The Women’s Advocate is not a counselor, rather an advocate who can help Members access workplace and community resources.  Although the Women’s Advocate program was designed primarily to help women in abusive situations, the Women’s Advocate is there to help all members of the McMaster community with any number of issues, including:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Workplace harassment
  • Daycare issues
  • Eldercare issues
  • Healthcare
  • Financial problems
  • Marital breakup
  • Mental health issues
  • Addiction problems

In the workplace, the Women’s Advocate will:

  • Respect confidentiality
  • Listen, believe, validate and assist
  • Promote access to community and workplace resources
  • When necessary, help plan for future safety
  • Respect a woman’s right to make her own decisions

In the community, the Women’s Advocate can:

  • Network with community partners
  • Lobby for child care, affordable housing and funding for women’s programs
  • Promote women’s equality campaigns
  • Speak out and take action on issues

All contact with the Women’s Advocate is strictly confidential.
They can be reached at 905-537-3798.

Racial Justice Advocate
A Racial Justice Advocate is a workplace representative who will assist and provide support for Black, Indigenous and racialized workers whose role in the workplace will include:

  • Listening;
  • Providing support to black, indigenous and racialized members including concerns related to racial discrimination and racial violence;
  • Assisting with racial justice initiatives;
  • Promoting access to community culturally appropriate services;
  • Working with facility leadership to develop, implement and monitor an anti-racism action plan that is aligned with both Company and Union anti-racism and equity strategies;
  • Networking with allied organizations and local community partners.
Our Local’s Racial Justice Advocate is Chika Arinze. She can be reached at

General Inquiries

General Inquiries