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Support Locked out Members at Co-op Refinery

Posted in Unifor 5555

Independent mediator Vince Ready has tabled his recommendations for ending the lockout, and the bargaining committee of Unifor Local 594 has accepted his terms.

The company has just three more days to respond to the report—we need you to act now.

Send another email to local Co-op boards telling them that you support Local 594 and demand that the company respect the mediation process and agree to the recommendations.

We knew going into this process that we would not be getting everything we wanted, and indeed, Ready’s recommendations give the company substantial movement on our pension plan.

But the mediator’s recommendations for the pension plan should put to rest Co-op’s claims that our pension is not “affordable” for the company.

There is no reason, except pure union-busting, that Co-op should not agree to the mediator’s terms.

Send a Message

Thank you for taking action in support of western oil & gas workers at Co-op.


Jerry Dias – President, Unifor