Representing administrative staff that process medical billings for area physicians.
Unit Chair: Kimberley Bliek:
Unit Vice-Chair: Cynthia Chick:
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Recent Unit 2 Posts
RMA continues to follow the processes set out a couple of weeks ago. Members by and large are working from home, with staggered scheduling in the office to minimize contact and keep safe social distancing. We appreciate that there are not only changes to how you do the work, but for some of you, the actual work itself as many area physicians are moving to phone and video conferencing to continue serving their patients. As the state-of-emergency has been extended, we expect that these practices will need to continue for the time being. As you know, your Collective Agreement is due to expire end of April this year. While we are preparing for bargaining as normal, we do expect that the COVID-19 situation will impact that as well. We haven’t landed on an approach as of yet, however, this is not something that will have a negative impact on the membership. In the event that bargaining cannot be done within our normal time-lines, the Collective Agreement will continue to apply until we are able to set dates to negotiate. A survey will be sent to the membership in the next week or so, and we encourage all members to fill it out as this will ensure that your bargaining team has a full understanding what the members priorities at the table are. If you have any questions relating to bargaining, the present COVID-19 situation or just in general, you are encouraged to reach out to your Unit Chair, Linda O’Hara ( or President Beth Couchman (
Welcome to Unifor Local 5555’s new website! The new site has been completely redesigned from the ground up to help serve the members and the community at large, Just a quick tour: The Main page now works like a newspaper – get all the latest news from 5555. You will also see in the top menu links to everything on the website. The sidebar also has an events calendar where Local and local events can be seen. Units – Each Unit of Local 5555 now has it’s own dedicated page where you can find Unit specific information and documents as well as the latest news posts. Retirees – without our retirees fighting fo us in the past we wouldn’t be where we are today as a Local so they get their own page 🙂 Standing Committees – Each Standing Committee now has it’s own page as well with descriptions and contact info. Newsletters – Find and read all current and past editions. Contacts – The old website had contact all over the place so it has now been combined into one place to make things easy to find. All in all we’ve gone for a simpler design to make things easier and more logical to find. Enjoy!! Allan Fisher.