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The Election Committee runs all elections in our Local. They are responsible for ensuring that nominations and voting are run in a fair and equitable manner, in keeping with the guidelines in our By-Laws and the Unifor National Constitution. They are also responsible for ensuring that candidates are eligible to serve, and follow the rules for campaigning.

Notice of Unifor Local 5555 By-Election

This is a notice of election for the positions listed below. Nominations will open on Friday January 31 at 9:00 a.m. and close on Wednesday February 12 at noon. The election will open on Thursday, February 13 at 9:00 a.m. and close on Tuesday, February 18 at noon.

The following positions will be open for election:

Unit 2 Chair (1 position) (Unit 2 members only)

Unit 4 Chair (1 position) (Unit 4 members only)

Unit 1 Vice-Chair (1 position) (Unit 1 members only)

Unit 1 Stewards (15 positions open) (Unit 1 members only)

Unit 5 Stewards (3 positions) (Unit 5 members only) 

All Committees, including Workers with Disabilities, which is a new committee.

Biographies are due on Wednesday, February 12, at 4:00 p.m.

If a run-off election is required, it will open Wednesday, February 19 at 9:00 a.m. and close on Friday, February 21 at noon.

The Unit 1 Vice-Chair position is full-time release. Please reach out to the Elections Committee for more information if you are interested in that position.

Nomination forms are available below. If you would prefer a paper nomination form they can be downloaded from the webpage as well. If you need further information please contact the Elections Committee.

Unifor 5555 Nomination Form 2025


Election Results

The election for the Unit 1 Vice-Chair role closed February 12th at noon, and the results are shown below:


Name                                                           Number of Votes             Percentage

Aaron Geekie-Sousa                                    248                                        53.7 **elected

Robyn McColeman                                       214                                        46.3


Total: 463

Abstain: 1 (0.2%)


We thank the nominees for putting their names forward to represent the membership in this capacity. 

Nomination Forms:

Elected 2025-2027 Representatives

Role Descriptions

For more details and/or JDs please reach out to the elections committee.

Responsible for overseeing all operations of the Local

Responsible for Job Descriptions, Communications, Bargaining, and assisting the President as needed.

Responsible for overseeing the Finances of the Local

Responsible for minutes, meetings, and as a Table Officer of the Union

Responsible for oversight of the Financial Secretary, reviewing the audit, assisting in general financial policy

Responsible for the New Member Orientation

Responsible for maintaining order and decorum at meetings.

Responsible for Health & Safety issues for the Local

Responsible for representing all members within the Bargaining Unit, ensuring their rights and entitlements under the Collective Agreement are carried out. Chief Steward, and bargaining committee member for their Bargaining Unit

Responsible for assisting the Unit Chairperson as needed.

A member of the bargaining committee for the Bargaining Unit, outside of bargaining, the workplace committee assists the Unit Chairperson as needed. Workplace/Bargaining Committee members are also stewards – if you nominate yourself for this position you are also nominating yourself as a steward.

First point of contact for members in the Bargaining Unit.

Representative dedicated to representing the interests of the skilled trades workers in Unit 5

Delegate to the Constitutional Convention

Delegate to Canadian Council