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General Election – Nominations Open!

Posted in Unifor 5555

Nominations are now open for all Unifor Local 5555 Elected Positions for three-year terms beginning January, 2025. This includes Executive Board Positions, Unit Representative Positions, Standing Committee Positions and External Delegate Positions. All members in good standing who have at least one (1) year’s seniority are eligible to run for open positions. You must be a member of the Unit indicated if you are running for a Unit Representative Position. Retirees are eligible for election to Delegate positions only.

On-Line Nomination forms for all positions can be found on our Elections Committee Webpage.  You can also use the attached hard copy nomination form or pick up a hard copy form  from the bulletin board outside the Unifor 5555 Gilmour Hall B111 office.  Instructions for submitting the hard copy form are noted on the form.

Information for all open positions can be found on the Elections Committee webpage. We will note that the JDs for two positions (Health and Safety Coordinator and Vice-President) were reviewed ahead of this round of elections.  That review has resulted in some changes to the JDs and administered as per our Bylaws.  Those changes will take effect for the upcoming term. Information about the processes governing our elections can be found in our By-Laws in Article 13.  If you have any questions about the positions, elections processes or nominations, direct your questions to our Elections Committee at

A final call for nominations from the floor will take place at the General Meeting on 03 October 2024, and nominations will close at that time. Details regarding acclaimed positions and timing of the election will be determined and communicated to the membership after the close of nominations.

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