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Pharmacare Now! Join the fight to extend universal coverage for all Canadians

Posted in Unifor 5555

For most of our membership, the COVID-19 has had no impact on whether or not you have access to important benefits, including drug coverage.  The Local has been able to ensure that those are continuing for anyone impacted by a lack of work.  Not everyone has been able to do that though.  The gap in our healthcare system from the lack of a National Pharmacare program has been made even more glaring by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Our National Union is continuing to work on the Pharmacare campaign and is hosting a free webinar/workshop on it tomorrow, May 26th at 5:30 pm.  It is open to all Unifor members.  For more information see the message below.

The gap in our healthcare system from the lack of a National Pharmacare program has been made even more glaring by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Our National Union is continuing to work on the Pharmacare campaign and is hosting a free webinar/workshop on it May 26th at 5:30 pm.  It is open to all Unifor members.  For more information see the message below.

Canada is the only developed country with a universal health care system that has no universal prescription drug coverage.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 8 million Canadians did not have prescription drug coverage and an estimated 3 million Canadians did not take medicines prescribed by their doctors because they couldn’t afford them. In a matter of weeks, millions of Canadians have been laid off with few of them having any health care benefits to carry them through this crisis.

The time to act is now – together we need to demand universal pharmacare for everyone, regardless of income, age, or where the person works or lives.

Join us for an online workshop to learn about Unifor’s vision for pharmacare in Canada, and learn about what you can do to support the campaign. This session will have a particular focus on Canadians who have or will lose drug coverage as a result of the pandemic effects.

This workshop will be hosted online through Cisco WebEx, participants will be emailed information on how to join. You must RSVP.

May 26, 2020 at 5:30pm – 6:30pm Eastern Time

RSVP here