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Unit 4 COVID-19 Update April 3rd

Posted in Unit 4

We have seen many changes to campus life over the past few weeks.   Firstly, we want to take a minute to let you know that your continued dedication to the University has not gone unnoticed.

Your Union has been spending all their time working to ensure members in all of our Units are healthy, safe and kept financially stable.  We appreciate that our Special Constables are seeing no functional changes in regards to hours, reporting to work etc, but that doesn’t mean that we haven’t been keeping up to speed with how the department is handling the situation.  We anticipate that there will be no change to department operations outside of any pro-active steps to ensure members are as safe as possible while performing their duties keeping campus protected.  We expect our members will follow any directives and use any and all PPE provided.  While you are required to report to work, if you are facing unique circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic, please reach out to Chair, Greg Hamilton ( or President, Beth Couchman (