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Unit 5 COVID-19 Update April 5th

Posted in Unit 5

Hopefully you have all seen the email from Debbie Martin sent late Friday night in response to the changes to the Essentials Businesses and Services List announced by Doug Ford Friday afternoon.  You also should be receiving communication from your supervisor that will let you know if/when you were required to work for Sunday April 5 to Tuesday April 7th.    All members will be paid as if they were reporting to work as they normally would have regardless of if they are required to come in over these 3 days.  The department has also committed to updating you as to what the new operational plan will look like on Tuesday.

We appreciate that these changes are coming quickly, and our members are feeling uncertain as to what the next weeks will bring.  What is certain though is that your Union is continuously working on taking care of our members.  We have been in communications with both the University as well as our National Representatives throughout the weekend.  As soon as we have confirmed information that would have an impact on your unit we will be sharing it with you via email, social media and our website.  Updates relating to individual units can also be found on your Unit 5 page.

We know that many of our members do not rely on their emails.  If you do not use your McMaster email, but would like to receive emails to another email address, please let me know by emailing me at

If you are unsure of whether or not you are required to report to work reach out to your supervisor.  If you are unable to get a hold of your supervisor, let Unit Chair, Chantelle ( or Vice-President ( know.