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Webinar on Understanding Tech-Facilitated Gender Based Violence – April 1, 2025

Posted in Unifor 5555

Unfor National Women’s Department is pleased to host a Webinar on “Understanding Tech-Facilitated Gender Based Violence”, presented by Dr. Kaitlynn Mendes, Associate Professor in Sociology at Western University.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 7:00pm EST
WHERE: Online
Click here to register

Note: Registration is required

As our lives and workplaces become increasingly digital, so do the threats women and marginalized communities face online. Tech-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TFGBV) is on the rise, with perpetrators using technology to harass, intimidate, and silence women—both in public and private spaces. From online harassment to doxxing, cyberstalking, and the non-consensual sharing of images, Tech-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence is a growing workplace issue.

Dr. Mendes will discuss the rise of Tech-Facilitated Sexual Violence (TFSV), and ways in which we can effectively identify and tackle this violence in our workplaces and homes.

This webinar will shed light on what TFGBV is, how it manifests, and the impact it has on survivors. From image-based abuse to doxxing and online harassment, Dr. Mendes will break down the key issues and discuss how we can take action to combat digital violence.

As a union we play a vital role in addressing TFGBV in the workplace. Many workers don’t know where to turn when they experience online abuse—but knowing they can reach out for help to stop the harassment is key.  Our Women’s Advocates are always there to support members facing violence and harassment, including in digital spaces.

This webinar is a must-attend for all committed to making workplaces safer—both online and offline.

The Webinar will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 7:00pm EST.

Registration is required.

To register for this event, please CLICK HERE