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Worker Power and Solidarity for 2025

Posted in Unifor 5555

As the year comes to an end, we wish all Unifor members, local leaders, activists and staff a very happy holiday season.

There is much to reflect on as we think back on this year. Together, we bargained strong collective agreements, fought for justice for the workers who needed it the most, and achieved historical wins at the bargaining table and legislatively. We won anti-scab legislation federally and in the province of Manitoba. We organized many new workers into our union.

Like you, we see the challenges ahead: an economy potentially in recession, higher unemployment than we have seen in many years and threats of job-destroying tariffs from the United States. We have no doubt that the coming months will bring their share of uncertainty and concern for Unifor members across the country.

But remember, together we have built worker power and a strong union for times like these.

Our union’s message is clear: this is a time for elected representatives, employers and others to come together to defend our economy, workers and jobs. To defend Canada.

You can be assured we will be fighting to protect jobs and workers’ rights in 2025 and beyond. We know what we are capable of when we unite and when we organize.

This year, we have built the power of our union together. We did it to confront the challenges facing working people and to be ready for what we encounter in 2025.

We look forward to seeing you, and working alongside you, to build even greater worker power and solidarity for everyone next year.

Always remember: it is the union that makes us strong. We wish our entire Unifor family a wonderful holiday.

Peace, love and solidarity,

Lana Payne, National President
Len Poirier, National Secretary-Treasurer
Daniel Cloutier, Quebec Director
Jennifer Murray, Atlantic Regional Director
Samia Hashi, Ontario Regional Director
Gavin McGarrigle, Western Regional Director