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Message from Naureen Rizvi, Ontario Regional Director

Posted in Unifor 5555


A message from your Ontario Regional Director

Dear members,

I want to acknowledge how difficult this time is for you, your family, and so many Unifor members who are dealing with the anxiety and uncertainty of the pandemic’s effects.

I also want to personally thank everyone working in frontline essential service jobs across so many sectors who are keeping us all connected as more health restrictions are being introduced to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

This is an unprecedented time for us all and rest assured that your union is working around the clock to pressure employers and government to enact measures that will protect your health, your income and your job security.

The government of Ontario will provide a fiscal update tomorrow at 4 p.m. that will include its COVID-19 strategy.

We need your help to send a message to Ford to enact Unifor’s COVID-19 proposals immediately in advance of tomorrow’s fiscal update. 

Many measures our union has called for have been implemented including protections for those workers in quarantine or in self-isolation as well as changes to Employment Insurance. All of the details can be found on Unifor’s COVID-19 website.

So far, the Government of Ontario’s COVID-19 strategy has been criticized by health authorities as slow, incremental, and potentially ineffective. Reports are mounting of exorbitant wait-times and delays with COVID-19 testing. Ford’s cuts to health care in our province are undoubtedly having an effect on our capacity to respond to the public health emergency.

The end of the month is approaching and Ontarians are facing bills, mortgages, and rents while the government still has not indicated if it will introduce emergency funds for those affected by the pandemic.

Lastly, the Ford government hasn’t adequately protected long-term care residents and Personal Support Workers by addressing the staffing shortages in this province.

Together, these issues are creating the conditions for an unimaginable public health and economic crisis in the province.

Will you send a message to Ford to enact Unifor’s COVID-19 proposals immediately?

Share a message on social media as soon as possible using the suggested text below and the shareable image here and tell Doug Ford to adequately protect Ontarians from COVID-19.

I’m calling on @FordNation to protect me and flatten the #COVIDOntario curve with real measures protect my health, income and job. That includes $1 billion in health care funding to protect long-term care workers and residents by addressing the #PSWCrisis

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In solidarity,

Naureen Rizvi
Ontario Regional Director